Eighth month already

Dex is now 16 pounds. That's more than three times his birth weight!
The active little guy is trying to crawl. He gets on all fours and he rocks back and forth. I saw him take one step with one hand but he hasn't figured out that he needs to move his knees forward, too.
He insists on standing (supported by mommy or daddy). His favourite spot is the sofa for this.
When he's horizontal, he's very squirmy. Diaper changes are very interesting because of the rolling. Speaking of horizontal, his favourite sleeping position is now on his front with his bum raised a bit. Very sweet.
He babbles away, mostly nonsense but once in a while my fertile imagination catches a "mama" or "dada." At one point, I swear he said "peek-a-boo."
He smiles a lot and he has the most infectious laugh. It's impossible to be tired or be in a bad mood when he squeals with delight. The backs of his chubby thighs are very ticklish. He giggles when I try to massage him there. His ribs are also very ticklish and I get my first giggle in the morning when I attack him and tell him I want to nibble baby ribs for breakfast.
He is very curious. When he looks at objects, he studies them ever so carefully. He seems especially fascinated by clasps and other restraining devices such as the high chair straps, car seat straps, the velcro fasteners on his swing, my bra clasps.
He's getting more hair and the stuff coming in is darker. His eyes are also getting a little darker, but there's still blue in them. The flat side of his head is rounding out nicely, or at least it's squaring up nicely (he has a square head like daddy).
He's sleeping a bit longer these days. Or at least, he does when the teeth are not cutting. He now has six teeth!