Thursday, October 04, 2007

Speaking of science

We interrupted our usual language arts and phys ed classes yesterday (read: singing ABCs and rolling on the floor) with a cognitive and physical science lesson.

We heard all about gravity and about the concept of object permanence (read: he's dropping things on the floor and looking for them). It was very cute. I had him on my lap and he was holding a teething toy. At first, he seemed a little conflicted between the desire to stick the toy in his mouth, his usual way of experiencing the world, and this compulsion to drop it on the floor to hear that satisfying soft thud. I guess curiosity, coupled with his still developing fine motor adeptness, ended up making the decision for him -- so drop the toy he did!

And that's the game we played. Over and over again. He'd look at me then drop the toy. He'd bend down to see where the toy landed and I would pick it up, give it my quick-blow-and-rub-it-briskly-on-my-jeans-a-few-times sanitizing technique, then hand it back. It was fun the first 50 times or so, but then to save Mommy's sanity, we switched topics to learn an important life lesson: how to deal with the loss of a toy once it "accidentally" disappears for real.


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