Monday, July 20, 2009

Peanut butter cookies

Now that I know he's not allergic to peanut butter, we have added peanut butter cookies to our cooking repertoire.

Yesterday, we made our first batch of peanut butter cookies. It was so much fun. I made the batter then got us set up on the kitchen floor where he helped me roll up the batter into little balls, which he later flattened with a sugared fork. He loved that latter part the best and his exuberance shows in some of the finished products! They were the cutest little, unevenly shaped cookies ever and he was ever so proud of himself!

Despite clearing the peanut butter allergy scare, I was still a little reluctant to give him a taste. I gave him a little part of a cookie then waited over an hour before giving him some more -- believe you me, this was a difficult thing to do since he was very excited about the cookies and just wanted to scarf them all down.


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