Monday, July 30, 2007

His own space

Dex slept in his own crib the last two nights!

We knew the co-sleeping was not a long-term thing. Dex and I loved it, but it was not working well for Jon who got no sleep, what with the fear of rolling over on the baby and the vigilant watch to keep the two cats away.

We would have moved Dex to his own crib sooner, but because of his teething pains, we did not want to introduce another new thing. When the teething pains abated and he returned to his normal self, we knew it was time for the transition. Not ready to leave him in another room by himself, we set up another crib in our bedroom.

The first night was rough. He wanted to sleep on the big bed and cried every time I set him down in his crib. He couldn't understand what we were asking him to do. Finally, exhausted at 3 am, he went down.

Sunday night went a lot more smoothly. We settled him in at 11 pm and he slept all night (I fed him at 4:30 am and settled him back in without him waking). He was up at 6 am this morning, all smiley and happy. I think he was enjoying his first taste of independence. Sniff. Sniff. I'm going to be such a mess when he finally moves out of our room and into his own.

Saturday, July 21, 2007

We're at the bridge

When we were in Alberta, we stayed with Lolo and Lola (grandpa and grandma). Lola made sure that we were comfortable. She organized the rental of baby things like a stroller and a car seat, however, the one thing she was not able to borrow was a bassinet.

So, for the first time, Dexter co-slept with Mommy and Daddy on the big bed. He must have really enjoyed it. I can tell because he gained a lot of weight from the free-feeding and from the extended sleep. He slept on and off for about 12 hours overnight since he can just help himself to his convenient food source.

I enjoyed it too. Since I did not have to get up to nurse the boy in the middle of the night, I also got more sleep. BUT, at the back of my mind, I kept thinking," how are we going to switch him to sleeping on his own crib when we get back home?" I brushed aside that nagging question, enjoyed my sleep, and said to myself, "I'll cross that bridge when we get there." We'll we're there and I'm having a tough time extricating myself from the baby. He likes sleeping with us. This transition to crib would probably also be much easier if Dex wasn't teething. He seems very irritable these days and a little on the clingy side.

Bigger, better, faster

Okay, maybe just bigger and better.... We're back from our Alberta holiday! Will get caught up with laundry and establish routine again before giving highlights. Photos to follow!