Temporal experiment
He's been doing a lot of imagination play these days. For one thing, he likes to pretend that he's Norm, our ice cream guy. I'll have to talk about Norm's ice cream in another blog, but for now, suffice it to say that Dex does a lot of pretending. He'd drive around the house singing a little ditty and ask us if we want ice cream.
The other new thing is pretending to go for a drive. He'd pretend to pack up the car (or a taxi) and load it up with books and blankets. Then he'd ask me to get in and pretend to strap him in, so we can go driving. Sometimes we go to Cobourg. But most of the time we go to Blue Mountain.
I really noticed that he's been experimenting with time concepts. He's been using the word "yesterday" which usually means sometime in the past -- could be this morning, could be a few months ago.
Yesterday, during one of his pretend driving trips, he told me to hurry up because "we have to get there by 7:30." I'm not quite sure where he got that. I guess he understands the concept of deadline, but he's not sure about time yet. He also said "we're leaving in 20 seconds" -- another time concept experiment since I'm sure he has no idea what a second is.