Friday, June 12, 2009

Gross motor

You can tell he listens to adult conversations because he comes up with the most astounding responses.

A few weeks ago, in response to repeated calls for "go to the park, go to the park, GO TO THE PARK!!!" for the last few days, I thought I'd come through on the promise when the weather (finally) turned hot. I rummaged through his toy box and found his sandbox toys and emerged triumphant with the small bucket filled with two molds (a bunny and a butterfly), a shovel, and a rake. I held it up and said teasingly "do you know what this is for?"

He smiled shyly and said "sensory."

Most kids will just say "sandbox" but I guess Dex has figured out that playing in the sandbox means sensory time. Let me explain.

At the daycare, they make sure that the children have time for sensory play. This usually means exploring and learning with their hands and other senses. Some days they have water play, some days time in the sandbox, some days playdoh, etc. I'm sure the teachers don't say to the kids "it's time for sensory," but perhaps they say that when talking to each other. Oh, and that reminds me: last winter Dex watched his Dad cleaning the snow off the windshield and he said "Daddy's doing sensory."

This also explains why when Jon asked him last week what Dex did that day, he said "gross motor." We asked the teachers and yes, when it's too cold or too wet outside, they stay indoors for the "gross motor" portion of the day. This usually means bringing out the bikes and wagons and running around indoors. He's outside right now doing "gross motor" this fine, beautiful day in Toronto.


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