Dexter started trying to wink when his Lolo and Lola were here. He manages to do so with varying levels of success, but it is still entertaining to watch. Here's the little flirt trying to wink.
they marry. they breed.
We went to an Indian restaurant this afternoon and gave Dex his first taste of naan (an Indian flatbread cooked in a tandoor oven). He liked it! Let's see, Jon tasted his first naan at age 26 and I tasted my first one when I was 20. Dex at nine months has us beat by a long shot. What's he going to be eating by the time he's 10?!
Dex has been trying to speak for a long time. I took this video of him two months ago and I still like watching it.
Jon and I tried shushing, cuddling, feeding, whispering, and taking Dexter for a walk around our quiet, dark house between 12:30 and 3:30 am, and the poor little guy would alternately nod off and wake up in fits and starts with lots of straining and crying in between (the baby, I mean!). The transition to solid foods is stress-testing his system and sometimes he has great days and sometimes he has not-so-great-days. When exhausted hours later, he nodded off with a little whimper in his crib. I feel some relief when I finally tuck him in with his blue fuzzy blanket, pat him gently and whisper goodnight. I stretch my achy muscles and slip back into my own bed, trying to fill the warm hollows between the duvet and the mattress where I slept a few hours ago.
I'm a little late posting Dexter's ninth month photo because we've been a little busy lately. Since we got back from Montreal, I've been struggling to put baby back on a routine.