Speech class
Dex has been trying to speak for a long time. I took this video of him two months ago and I still like watching it.
He was very chatty when I was trying to feed him that day. I'd give him a spoonful, and he'd babble on. I'd give him another one, and he would stop long enough to slurp the food, but continue with the babbling. You can hear my voice in the background offering him a spoonful of sweet potato.
I realize now how limiting language can be. In retrospect, he might have wanted to discuss quantum physics, philosophy, or the symbolism of snow in modern literature (he looked to serious!), but no, there I was insisting on talking about the inane sweet potato because for some reason, I thought that was the only possible thing that could have been on his mind. Maybe babies have deeper thoughts than that.
It will be interesting to have him watch this video someday to see if he has any memory of the day and/or if he can understand what he was babbling about.
He is still a babbler, but every once in a while we catch things that sound like words. So far we've heard him say: mommy, daddy, milk, cat, kitty, shoe, hi, peek-a-boo, no.
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