Dexter Gordon, after a short, decisive and hasty journey, joined his family at 49 minutes past midnight on February 24, 2007 at Mount Sinai Hospital in Toronto.
He apparently has people to see and places to go because he bolted from the womb a little early (33 weeks), preferring perhaps to be a Pisces rather than an Aries. Total labour from onset to birth was just a shade over four hours. Apgar score after five minutes was a nine. We suspect he is precise as he weighed in at exactly five pounds (sturdy for an early arrival), and literal (it's our fault for constantly telling him "We can't wait to meet you").
Daddy is mighty proud of his son. Dexter is a good-looking healthy boy despite shipping well ahead of schedule. We know that things might change yet, but so far, Dexter seems to have Daddy's chin and nose. We're still working our way through the family tree to see where Dexter got those square ears (please report any theories to us with proof of ear pictures). The full head of dark hair comes from the mother's side of the family, of course.
The next day, the first of his superpowers became apparent: Mommy believes that his special power is that he can manipulate emotions from a distance. He can make Mommy and Daddy smile or cry in his sleep!
At 33 weeks, we like to think that he is not early, not late, but just in time. He simply must have known how long we have been waiting for him.
Dexter is still growing and getting stronger at Toronto East General Hospital. Grace and Jon are looking forward to bringing him home. For now, we spend lots of time adoring him, feeding him and changing him at TEGH.
Congrats! He looks so cute! Best wishes to all of you and good luck with the sleep. It'll get better by the time he's 3! :)
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