Sunday, January 14, 2007


My office is slowly morphing into the baby room.

Before: my office
- three bookshelves full of books
- huge desk with various piles for personal and work files
- filing cabinet
- office chair
- guest chair
- cat litter box

After: baby's room
- crib
- change table
- desk
- small bookshelf
- small dresser
- cute curtains
- cute nautical theme murals on the wall
- maybe a glider chair for me

The "after" picture is what we're hoping to get in the next few weeks. Priority is to get the cat stuff out of there as soon as possible -- we don't want the cats getting all territorial on the baby.

Unfortunately, moving the furnishings out of my office means moving it elsewhere and in this case, it means moving it to Jon's office. So step 1 in the transformation of the room really is to clean up Jon's office.

In the meantime, we just got back from a trip to Ottawa where we picked up a whole lot of stuff from Joan and Phil. We have baby crib and change table as well as a playpen and a whole bunch of other paraphernelia. There's also bags of baby clothes on the floor that I can't wait to get into the baby dresser!


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