Thursday, January 18, 2007

Orange Pop

Minor setback: My glucose test from last Tuesday came back a little high so I have to go back for more tests in a couple of weeks.

I think I can explain it, though. I forgot about the glucose test completely and I had an unusually high sugar day. Started out with a banana in my cereal for breakfast, then had a muffin during a meeting in the morning, followed by sushi rice for lunch and capped with a nice slice of double-chocolate cake for dessert (co-worker had a birthday). I had the cake just one hour before drinking the orange pop concoction (200 mLs of pure glucose --- yeach!)

I guess the glucose level cutoff is 7.7 and my results came back at 9.5. It might just be a little bleep, but now I have to wait another couple of weeks to be reassured that all is well. In the meantime, I have to watch what I eat.


Blogger Grace said...

High glucose score might means higher risk for diabetes which is un-good for both mom and baby. Lots more birth complications including having a macrosomic infant (meaning big baby, as in greater than nine pounds) and all the risks that this poses during delivery.

We'll see what happens on Monday's test.

12:19 PM  

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