Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Smiley Face

We reached another milestone a couple of weeks ago when we realized that Dexter was communicating with happy noises ("a-goo") rather than just unhappy noises ("waaah, my diaper is dirty" or "waaah, I'm hungry"). Dexter now smiles and gurgles when we talk to him. Here's a couple of pictures of a happy little boy for everyone. Isn't he cute?

Sunday, May 13, 2007

I'm in the club

Today is the first day mother's day was celebrated by this household. But instead of talking about us and our quiet day, we would like to thank two special women today instead. Here they are with our son.

Here's Dex with Lola:

Here's Dex with Grandma (and Grandpa):

Happy Mother's Day. Thanks for everything, Moms.

Tuesday, May 08, 2007

He cooed!

He cooed and smiled today! For real this time. (Might have something to do with his liberation from that nasty overflowing diaper followed by that refreshing bum wipe.) Why didn't anyone tell me how amazing this was going to feel? This feels waaay better than seeing that issue of the corporate newsletter arriving from the printers.

Friday, May 04, 2007

"Ready for my closeup"

The ban's been lifted!

Here's Dex at 10 weeks of age (or three if you are counting from his original due date or "corrected age"). This is after the acne spell.

These pictures do not really capture the square-ness of his face. But it shows that he still has Daddy's chin.

Dexter's interactive features are starting to kick in. He is opening his eyes more these days so I will be taking more pictures.