Wednesday, November 22, 2006

MacBaby picture

Meet our MacBaby. This picture is from yesterday's ultrasound. Baby's heartbeat is 143 beats per minute and apparently she/he is a good size for her/his age. The ultrasound session was very exciting except for the part where Jon and I fell asleep (sorry -- the room was soooo hot and the room was dark!). Everything seems to be okay except I have to go back in a couple of weeks. Baby was in a funny position and the technician could not get a good picture of the heart. We tried everything to get the baby to move including moving the wand around, jiggling my belly, and getting me to walk. No go. The baby was content in its current position. Next time, we'll bring a recording of Fergus' purr. The baby seems to respond to that.


We paid $5 for the blurry picture of the baby. As we were waiting for the picture to spit out, it occured to us that there is probably some big scam somewhere where they just have a lineup of standard blurry ultrasound pictures on file (different poses, etc.) and they just send you whatever they feel like. "Wanna know the sex of the baby?" They just ask this question so they know which pictures to print. I mean, how will one know if that is really their baby or not?

Thursday, November 09, 2006

Burps and Bubbles

I've entered the indigestion phase of the pregnancy. I can see that Tums is going to be a good friend, indeed.

In addition to having a limit on what I can eat (see Hedgehog Adventures), I need to also limit the quantity and the pace of consumption. Otherwise, we get that little annoying reflux happening and it's not pleasant. Oh the joys of pregnancy.