One step ahead
If one of the metrics of being a good mom is being one step ahead all the time, I'm afraid I'm going to get a less than stellar evaluation at the end of the year. There goes my bonus, I guess.
A friend just told me she is putting up her Christmas tree since Halloween is done. Another friend just got family photos for her annual Christmas misssive. In contrast, here I am still trying to figure out when I can print out some Halloween photos for the grandparents maintenance program. And downstairs, in my kid's book box is his Easter bunny book. On a positive note, I guess there is no need to put away the Christmas books that we've had all year in Dexter's room.
Holidays seem to come screaming around the corner startling me into action at the last minute. This year, I actually forgot it was Halloween until that morning and had to ask Jon to stop by the store to get some candy for the kids. The funny thing is, every time a holiday goes by and I scramble to prepare at the last minute, I swear to myself that I will be more prepared for the next one. Must decorate the house! Must bake holiday-appropriate cookies! Must send some cards! Must dress up Dex in cute bunny costume, spooky costume, Christmas shirt, etc! But no...Let's see, Dex is now nearly two and I have yet to live up to that. I like to attribute part of the cause to my little preemie. He showed up two months early and I haven't caught up since. But, even I know I can only cruise on that excuse for so long.
It's hard to believe that corporations used to actually pay me good money to organize things, plan things, budget for expenses. Unfortunately, I guess that job skill is not transferable to the domestic sphere. But then again, we usually get what we pay for!
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