Thursday, September 25, 2008

Cold snap

It's not fun when the entire family is sick. This is now week two of back-to-back colds. We were almost recovered from the first one, but then Jon flew to Ottawa for a quick business trip and voila, three days later, we were all sick again.

It's so difficult for babies to be sick because unless they have a fever or an infection, you can't give them anything. The cold congestion is worst at nightime for him. We've elevated one end of his bed, turned on the humidifier, and I've even nursed him while he's sitting up instead of lying down so he can breathe a little better. But, it only helps so much. One night, he coughed so much -- every ten minutes -- that I'm sure he got no sleep at all (like me). The only thing worse than hearing his cough was the silence after each one. Is he okay? Did he choke? Is he still breathing? I had to keep checking.

Needless to say, the transition to the toddler room is not going very well. He missed almost a week of daycare and now he's resisting the morning drop-off again. We're starting from square one. Again.

Speaking of adjusting to the new normal...Maybe I'm a slow learner, but I thought Dex's teething pains, ear infection and colds were the exception to the norm, but now it is beginning to dawn on me: this IS normal. Instead of viewing the health hiccups as things to prevent or overcome, I should just accept that this is going to happen and focus on stuff that we can do despite the colds and the pains. I guess I need to understand that my job is to make my baby boy as healthy and safe as possible so that he can do things for himself: build his immune system, stay healthy, and learn to be a well-adjusted, happy, caring person.


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