Thursday, October 23, 2008


We really, really need to watch our language these days.

Yesterday, Jon was setting the dinner table while Dex and I were playing on the floor. Jon must have done something or forgotten something from the kitchen and he said "Oh, crap." Almost immediately, one little blockmaker said "oh, crap." I tried not to laugh. I was not successful.

And then there was the time when I was cleaning his shoes. When he plays in the sandbox, he gets sand everywhere and I mean everywhere. I usually like to remove his shoes outside the house and give it a good shake to minimize the trail of grit on the floor. I was there shaking one shoe saying "look at this -- god, look at all this sand" as a steady stream of the stuff poured from his runners. And, of course, Dex imitated me. He removed his other shoe and was pounding it on the floor, shaking it while saying "god, oh god."


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