Mother's Day 2009

Being a mom really is a wonderful feeling. I love it. And the one thing about being a mom, I think it made me want to be a better daughter. Getting a reality check on what it takes to be responsible for someone sure changed my view of the world.
Jon was trying to tell Dex last night that Lola is mummy's mommy. Dex was not too sure about that. He smiled ever so slightly perhaps thinking that Daddy was making a joke. I guess it must be a tough concept for a little guy to process.
This mother's day, I'm counting all my blessings -- starting with the cute little guy and of course, my wonderful husband. I'm also thinking of Mom and Dad and trying to imagine them as young parents, wishing we lived a little closer to them so that Dex can grow up with beautiful memories of being with Lolo and Lola.
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