Two tests done, one more to go
Dexter passed the challenge test and the car seat test! The challenge test was the all-you-can-eat test I mentioned the other day. The car seat test is when they strap the baby on the infant car seat and observe them for 90 minutes to make sure they are strong enough to stay upright and not slink down. If they slink down, there is the danger of strangling on the harness.
Tonight, we are doing the 24-hour test where Dexter stays with us in the room in the hospital all night to see if we can manage to keep him alive. If all goes well, we might be going home tomorrow!
Jon went to work today, but I stayed with Dex in our room. Let's see, the highlight of my day was learning how to burp... Dexter I mean. Just as they have no suck reflex, preemies also do not know how to burp. If you don't thump them gently on their back after feeding, I guess the milk has the potential to go back up and choke them.
I was just telling Judy the other day that in a way the hospital stay has been good. Don't get me wrong. I wouldn't wish the stress of a premature birth on anyone, but in a way, we're lucky that Dexter was a little early and that he happened to be relatively healthy. In the last 10 days, I've had the best of both worlds. I had 24-hour nursing care for our son, daily visits from the pediatrician and access to a lactation specialist eight hours a day. It was like baby boot camp for me.
I don't know how I would have coped if I had done a normal delivery and discharged after 24 hours.
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