Sunday, March 11, 2007


Today's highlights:

Dexter's umbilical cord stump fell off. It's currently on a shelf in his bookcase. Unsure what we will do with the little crispy thing. Maybe the cats will save us the trouble of figuring it out, either by playing with it or eating it...

Tony and Lynne came to visit and brought pasta dinner and a beautiful handknitted crib blanket with matching hat.

Hailey, Deb and Harold dropped by to visit. Hailey picked out a cute little frog bathrobe that will be great for Dex in a few months.

Proud parents finally cracked open the champagne. Jon brought it to the hospital the day after Dexter arrived, but we were both too tired to partake. Still tired, but it tasted great!

Grace had some of Jane's cranberry bran muffins for breakfast and her lentil soup for lunch. Our friends and neighbours continue to shine, with gifts, food, flowers and lots of love & support.

Discovered Dexter's second superpower: the ability to store large volumes of liquid in his mouth and spew it at unsuspecting targets. One hopes that as he matures, he will have better control of the volume of liquid plus distance and aim of projectiles. Not sure if we're hoping for more volume and better distance (Olympic spitting-up team credo "stronger, faster, higher, more volume"?) or less.


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