Healthier bones and teeth
I forgot to mention that Dex is now drinking whole milk!
For the last couple of months, I've been slowly introducing whole milk to his diet. I started by giving him a splash of milk with his usual soy milk, then increased the ratio bit by bit, week by week. Last week, I started giving him whole milk straight up and I am happy to report that he has exhibited no adverse effects. No redness. No signs of irritation around the mouth, his previous reaction to the stuff. I think he managed to outgrow the sensitivity/allergy to dairy. Yay.
This new development is a relief to me. I've been worried about the long term effects of insufficient calcium in his diet. The soy milk I've been giving him did not have a lot of calcium but that was the choice I made. I got to be the expert nutritional information reader in my time and basically, with soya milk, the trade off is calcium versus sugar. Most soy milks out there have so much sugar. The brand I decided to give Dex had no sugar, but alas, as I said lacking in calcium content. I mean, I wasn't sure he was deficient in calcium (we made sure he got yogourt or cheese or broccoli and other calcium-rich foods on a regular basis), but I still worried (this seems to be a recurring theme with me on this blog).
Now that he is able to drink milk, he is drinking it by the jug! I swear he drinks half a litre a day. Maybe now the legs will start growing.
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