Wednesday, September 03, 2008

So far, so good

Dex spent an hour in the toddler room yesterday and his teachers told me that he did quite well. He was in one part of the playground with his new friends and his infant friends were in a separate area but he can see them through the fence. No signs of distress there. The teachers said that this is the normal reaction. The trouble starts when they start spending more and more time with the new friends and they realize that "this is the new normal."

I spoke to one of the toddler teachers to find out more about what to expect in the new class. In addition to more playground time, the kids are encouraged to be more independent so they will self-feed, put on their hat, jacket and boots before going outside, and start toilet-training. At the same time, the children will be encouraged to follow directions: line up before going to and from the playground, sit still for storytime, take turns playing with toys, etc. Essentially, she said, the kids are being prepared for pre-school. The infant class is for 18 to 30 months, after that, they move on to the pre-school class.

My kid's in the system. I've already fed him to the machine.


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