Under construction
About a month ago, the City of Toronto started ripping up the street in front of the daycare and repaving it. Apparently, this caused much excitement in the infant room. In particular, the teachers reported that Dex was especially fascinated by the whole process. He was the first one to rush to the window and press his face against the glass as the construction equipment moved in for the job. He stood there mesmerized the entire day as the "diggers" ripped up the street one day, graded it, and paved it on subsequent days. Dex loved watching the construction so much that he stood in front of the window and blew kisses at the construction workers all day. Now how cute is that?
Jon was amused that the teachers did not know the proper names for the equipment so when we found a kid's puzzle with construction equipment, we made sure we took it to the daycare to show the teachers the difference between an excavator, a backhoe and a frontend loader. Dex loves this puzzle. He seeks it out first thing in the morning and it's the last thing he puts away in his toy box at night. He knows the puzzle pieces very well. "Can you bring me the dump truck," I would ask and he will walk to his puzzle, pick out the right piece and hand it to me. I have absolutely no idea where this fascination with machines came from. On the nature vs. nurture thing, I have to say that nature gets a definite point for this. He certainly did not get it from my nurturing. Just like the teachers, I called those big yellow things with the claw "diggers" all those years.
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