16 months

Our little toddler is growing really fast. With the kitchen renos not quite done and our house in a bit of disarray, I've been very bad at blogging. Lots of things to say, but for now here are the highlights of the last two months:
- officially walking!!
- first and second walking-related bruise to the face
- first haircut
- trip to Nova Scotia to visit Nana and Grandpa
- another plane ride
- another train ride
- delighted in the babbling brook at Nana and Grandpa's backyard
- ambulance ride (long story -- the subject of another post)
- graduated to his second car seat so he now rides facing forward
- can sign fish
- can roar
- sings to the Old MacDonald chorus (ee-i-ee-i-oooh)
- knows his body parts really well: ears, nose, mouth, tongue, tummy/belly, hair, toes, etc.
- knows his teddy bears by name
- started using his spoon to self-feed again
- started using his left hand to feed (he was favouring his right for a time)
- now working on teeth number 13 and 14
- can brush his teeth (sometimes)
- follows instructions like "please hand me your shoes" really well
- can clap (a little late with this skill, but he just was not interested in it, unlike his buddy Nathan who was clapping at month six or something)
- now wears size 18-month clothes
- loves his wooden blocks
- loves the swing, slide, teeter totter and sandbox in the playground
- ingested sand, grass and possibly a small pebble for the first time
Dex is really enjoying daycare and it is amazing how much he is learning. We're very fortunate to have him placed in such a great place -- and only a short walk from our house. Some daycare highlights:
- It took a couple of weeks, but Dex is now napping in his own crib.
- shorter bout of tears during goodbye at daycare
- can now blow kisses
- first and second bout of ear infection.
Overall, he is turning out to be a happy, bright, social, loving boy. Since he can wink and blow kisses on command now, he is also proving to be quite the charmer. His comprehension is excellent (as noted above, he follows instructions really well), but he does not seem to be very motivated to speak. And that weaning thing...he does not seem to be very interested in that either.
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