Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Filling in the blanks

My that was a long break between posts! The reason: we all got sick. That was one nasty bug. Poor Dex was sick for nearly two weeks. His dad also came down with something and he missed work for an entire week. I was the lucky one. I was ill the first Saturday night and was essentially fine after 24 hours.

Nothing like a sick baby with a bad case of the runs to really up that laundry quotient. And -- just when we needed it the most -- our washer conked out on us. How great is that? I'll spare you the gory details, but needless to say, it was a very un-fun two weeks.

Dex must have lost a couple of pounds during the ordeal. He only went back to his usual volume of food four days ago and he's been ravenous ever since. I'm hoping he gains the weight back soon.

Being sick also meant the baby no longer has a routine. I'm trying to get him back on schedule but there's been some resistance. It does not help that molar number two is still trying ever so slowly to come out.


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