Monday, March 10, 2008

What a day

It was another tough day at the office. Dex is teething again and he is suffering big time. Unfortunately for both of us, we had so much snow last weekend that we were both stuck inside again. No such thing as a nice distracting leisurely walk around the neighbourhood today.

The day began at 7 am when the crying, hungry boy was delivered to me in bed. The morning went relatively well. By noon, I had given Dex breakfast, cleaned up the morning's dishes, vacuumed the main floor of the house, had a conference call with a client, and changed three messy diapers. All that fueled only by a slice of banana bread and a mug of coffee.

Things went downhill after lunch. Dex was so tired, but he was unable to settle for his afternoon nap. We tried napping downstairs, then upstairs, and downstairs again, but he couldn't settle. He was clingy, weepy and wouldn't let go so I ended up carrying him most of the afternoon. He also cried when I yelped and moved him off when he bit me while nursing (When he's teething his mouth hurts and he wants to bite down to relieve the pressure on his gums. Unfortunately, he sometimes forgets that it's me he's biting.)

And Fergus wouldn't leave me alone! That's all I need is another needy creature wanting a piece of me. He kept trying to crawl in beside us when I was nursing Dex and at one point when I pushed him off, he resisted by digging his claws on my thigh.

By the time Jon got home at 7:30 (just in time to read Dex his bedtime story and to say goodnight to the bears), I was tired, exhausted, disheveled, hungry, wearing a shirt stained by prune/apple/banana combination, and my Fergus-inflicted wound stinging from the antiseptic I just applied.

Luckily, my beautiful little boy managed to nod off to sleep with no resistance. And by 10 pm tonight, after cleaning up the kitchen, I finally got a chance to savour that much-deserved drink.

Here's hoping for a good night and a better day tomorrow.


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