Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Man pit

Man pit is Jon's name for the programmer pod in his office. It was also the funky smell that I noticed on Dex yesterday.

I left Dex with his dad in bed yesterday morning. After my shower, Dex was already awake and as I bent down to kiss him, all I could think of was "what IS that smell?" And then, it hit me. Yup...I know that smell, but how?

I guess babies are like cats in that they tend to be heat-seeking when they are asleep. The bottom line is that while I was in the shower, Dex, during his somnambulant stirring inched his way to his dad's pit and pushed his head against it. So, sweaty baby head and daddy's ripe pit equals one funky smelling baby.

I could not wait to bathe him that day. It's just not right for a baby to smell like that.


Blogger John said...

On behalf of the all the fathers in Canada, and around the world, I am offended that you would suggest that a boy smelling like his Dad would be a bad thing! Do you want the poor little gaffer going through life smelling like lilacs?


12:35 PM  
Blogger Grace said...

He can smell like his Dad when he is older. As long as he is a baby -- MY baby -- he is supposed to smell like vanilla at best and sour milk at worst. Besides, not only did he smell like that, that pit smell emanated from HIS HEAD! -- it was cognitive dissonance at two different levels. It was too disturbing for words.

9:06 AM  

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