13 months

- good speed on that crawling thing
- cruising and letting go every once in a while
- dancing and slapping his thighs to rhythm of music (not well, but the effort is there)
- can climb up six steps
- likes to tunnel and crawl under tables
- still teething
- brushing his teeth twice a day
- getting really good at puzzles
- now stacking blocks instead of just chewing or knocking them down
- tasted cat food and egg shells for the first time
- getting curiouser and curiouser. Seems more interested in things that we use everyday -- chairs, newspapers, kitchen cupboards -- rather than his toys.
- still loves his books especially ones with touchy-feely bits and flaps
- can wave bye-bye
- loves watching birds and cats, trees and dogs from our window or from the comfort of his stroller
Not too many additions to his food repertoire -- just grapes and broccoli. He had this rash on his diaper area which I first thought was food allergy-related so I have not been introducing new stuff. (It turns out the redness was a yeast infection. --wait: is this the sort of detail that would embarrass my son once he is old enough to read this blog? bonus!)
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