Thursday, April 12, 2007

The Ready Room

Well, it's almost ready except for some finishing touches. We need some shelving and some window covering, perhaps an area rug, and Dexter's room will finally be done.

Actually, once I abandoned the idea of a maritime-themed mural on one wall with a to-scale, hand-painted sea-shells-with-their-Latin-names bordering the room at baby eye level, it became a lot easier to finish the room. I would like to attribute the sudden re-calibration of expectations to a sanity check on my part, but no, nothing like that. This can only be attributed to Dexter's early arrival which meant that Jon took over the project and managed it to more realistic levels, therefore ensuring its completion before Dexter's departure for university.

The finishing touch to the room is a series of Winnie the Pooh stickers purchased from the sandylion warehouse outlet (note to Karen and Judy: let me know if you need any scrapbooking supplies!) in Markham. I realize this contradicts my steadfast opposition to the Disney Industrial Complex, but you gotta love Pooh! So I can live with myself, I vowed to balance Dexter's world view by sharpening his critical thinking and media analysis skills at an early age, as well as introducing lots of guilt and shame for unscrupulous consumption of material goods. This social experiment is going to be fun!



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